Belchville, VT was my thesis at The Center for Cartoon Studies. I completed 3 issues while attending CCS and have 6 more issues planned.
The thesis version of Belchville was a hand-bound, hardcover book containing 70 pgs of comics, of which there are only 10 copies in existence. I wrote a pretty extensive blog post about how I packaged my thesis, here.
I successfully kickstarted the 1st collected volume of the issues in 2016. I put this project on pause and no longer sell these online or at shows, but I have quite a few on hand! Contact me if you’d like to purchase a physical copy or download a digital copy from Gumroad.
Comedy / Horror
Age Rating:
Something strange is happening in the small New England town of Belchville, VT... and the only two people to notice are a new resident and a young boy. When the town is on the verge of destruction, will they be able to save their friends and family? And if they can't - will they be able to escape?